What is it like to be part of our team?
We are a small but passionate team of volunteers from various backgrounds. Making sure that you get a positive experience, enjoy working with diverse and like-minded team members and get to grow as an individual is our priority.
What you will get from this experience?
- Being involved in an initiative that is making a difference for the planet
- Learning new skills and building your expertise
- Adding to your portfolio
- Experiencing working within a team
- Meeting fellow passionate individuals
Who we are looking for?
Passionate individuals who are interested in social and environmental change. Don't hesitate to leave your details here if you are interested in the project even if you don't recognise yourself in the volunteer roles we are currently looking for, we would be happy to connect with you and find a way for you to be involved!
Most of the roles are remote and we are using Slack as a project communication platform. You can join the team wherever you are in the world (ideally Asia time zone).
As the main language used to communicate as a team is English, it would be best if you can understand English a little bit. You don't need to speak perfect English nor Japanese to join the team (except for content creation roles).
ツール : Canva、Mailchimp
言語 : 日本語、英語
Content Creators / Copywriters for our SNS, blog and newsletter
We are mostly present on Instagram but also Youtube and Facebook and want to explore Pinterest.
We also would love you to help us be more consistent with our newsletter and blog posting!
You will also get the chance to be creative and suggest any kind of content you feel could be right to engage and grow our audience.
Tools: Canva, Mailchimp
Languages: Japanese, English
現在のウェブサイトはWordPressで作成されていますが、これからフルカスタムウェブサイトやモバイルアプリの開発に取り組んでいきたいです。 コーディング言語: バックエンドはRuby on Rails、フロントエンドはReact.jsになります。
Software Developers
We are looking for software developers who are keen to leverage their skills and experience to solve environmental issues.
Our current website has been created using WordPress but we are currently working on a fully custom website version as well as a mobile app.
Coding languages: Ruby on Rails for the backend and React.js for the front end.
Ekolokalは、人々が有意義なつながりを持ち、より環境にやさしいヒントを学び、刺激を受けることができるよう、コミュニティのためのイベントを定期的に開催しています。私たちは、アンバサダーや既存のグループ、イニシアチブとのコラボレーションを大切にしています。 イベントオーガナイザーとしてさまざまな種類のコミュニティ・イベントを工夫し、実現する機会が与えられます。また、刺激的な人々や組織とのコラボレーションも可能です。
Event Organisers
We regularly organise events for our community in order to allow people to make meaningful connections, learn about more eco-friendly practices, and get inspired. We love collaborating with our ambassadors, existing groups and initiatives.
You will get the chance to design and bring to life various kinds of community events and collaborate with some inspiring people, and organisations.
私たちの目標は、地域のビジネスをサポートしながら、人々がより環境に優しいライフスタイルを送れるようにすることです。 そのために、私たちはより多くのビジネスをネットワークに加えたいと考えています。 お店のオーナーとつながり、私たちのミッションに賛同してもらうチャンスがあります。 言語 : 日本語 (バイリンガル) 勤務地:日本
Business Developers
Our goal is to support local businesses while allowing people to have a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
For that, we want to add more businesses to our network.
You will get the chance to connect with store owners and get them onboard with our mission.
Language: Japanese (bilingual)
Location: Japan